Lipids and adult brain stem cells
Laura's review article about the growing field of how lipids regulate brain stem cell activity is published in Biology of the Cell.
Stem cell metabolism
Karl speaks about lipid metabolism in adult neural stem cells at the Canadian Stem Cell Network's Till and McCulloch Meeting (Mont...
Talking about fats in France...
Karl presents the Alzheimer project at Lipids and Brain IV: Lipids in Alzheimer disease (Nancy, France).
Thanks to our summer trainees!
Matthieu, Clara and Farah (front row), it was great having you with us this summer!
It's out!
... better get one while you can :)
Prize for Loic at the 2017 Neurosciences Department science day
Loic wins a prize for best poster presentation at the 2017 annual congress of the Neurosciences students association
Yes we CAN!
Sandra, Loic, and Louis-Charles are presenting their data on neural stem cells at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for...
Flying high
Laura takes off to present her Alzheimer work Keystone meetings in Copenhagen and Dublin in May 2017.
On the road...
Karl is speaking in Little Rock, Arkansas (American Society for Neurochemistry) and Vienna, Austria (AD/PD Meeting) in March 2017.